Taking children to an olive press, "u trappitu"
This morning I took my daughter to her first school trip to see how olive oil is made. This is that special time of the year when the countryside around the province of Ragusa smells of olive oil as all producers collect the olives and rush to the "trappitu", the Sicilian word for oleificio (olive press), to have them pressed immediately.
Today, we were particularly lucky as the oleificio (olive press) we visited belongs to the dad of one of the children in the class, who is also one of the best producers of quality olive oil in the area. Mr Padova runs, together with his brother and sister, a succesful family business Mastri di San Basilio exporting top quality olive oil all over the world.
As we entered the oleificio we were welcomed by the smell of freshly pressed olives. There are no words to describe it, I can only say I felt in heaven. The children (3 to 5 years old) seemed really interested and Mr. Padova and their teachers were great in explaining the whole process of making olive oil without tiring them.
The best moment was obviously the tasting part. Children loved the home made bread with extra virgin olive oil on top. We had the Due Sicilie extra virgin oil produced by the Padovas', a perfect blend of nocellara del belice and moresca. Children kept asking for more of that golden Sicilian syrup on the bread and my daughter could not have enough.
Once you hear about this, it is easy to understand why the international fast food chains have always failed to establish their business in the area around Modica, these kids know their food.