
My choice of leaving the UK and starting a cooking school in Sicily on Psychologies magazine

This month our family choice of leaving the UK to move to Sicily to start a new life and career, back in 2004, is featured on Psychologies magazine in Italy.
Leave our post-doctoral careers to move to Sicily and open a cooking school?
Many thought we were crazy, many still think so! Others found us brave! Others understood this was simply a choice, neither bad nor good, just a choice with an unpredictable outcome, like all other important decisions you take in a lifetime!
Was setting up a cooking school in Sicily going to work for me? Was this what I really wanted after all that studying and researching completely different topics?
Seven years down the line I can simply smile and say "YES"!
The fact that the editorial team of Psychologies thought that our story could help other people is an honour. It is just about finding out what works for you, pursue your goals and objectives. Follow your dream the say, but I would add do not be afraid of changing your mind and letting new dreams take over your life.
After all, you can never know "what's cooking"!

Many thanks to Lucia Rappazzo, editor of Psychologies, for the nice chat and to photographer Luigi Nifosi for all the fun we had during the photo shoot in Modica.

Written on
October 6, 2011
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