loveSicily cooking classes in the UK
So it happened that I had planned to spend July relaxing in England where I expected to enjoy a nice cool British summer finally writing my book........but little I knew! Firstly, the Sicilian sun decided to follow me bringing one of the hottest month I have ever experienced in the UK; secondly, friends and past-loveSicilians decided there was no way I could be around without cooking and teaching them the Sicilian secrets to enjoy a great meal even in this incredible unexpected heat! So here I was again behind the stove;)! Needless to say I enjoyed every minute of my lessons! Moreover, with my Sicilian fish dishes and granitas I really felt like I was helping people "survive" the summer. Finding ingredients was not easy at all, anything with ricotta in it had to be set aside, but thanks to Borough Market and the many farmers' markets I was able to find great fresh fish and good vegetables in London. "Calamari ripieni" with saffron potatoes and almond granita were the most successful dishes! I also had the time to do some research taking some cupcake decorating classes with my daughter. She really loved it as it is fun and fashionable (Italian TV shows cupcakes-making every other minute), I was curious to know more as I think Sicilian nuns and pastry chefs have been among the first and best "cake decorators" in the world hundreds of years before the cupcakes mania began. I have to say I had fun and loved Farley, our teacher. I am still convinced though that in terms of "eating experience" the almond paste of our Sicilian cassata or Frutta Martorana cannot be compared to the modern sugar fondant. I just wanted to thank everyone who made the lessons possible opening their kitchen to loveSicily and really hope to see all of you soon in Modica.