
They are here!

Bless the British and Italian postal system. We know they get lots of bad press - but anyone who manages to transport a unique bundle of Sicilian flavours intact deserves some praise. But we are getting ahead of ourselves.

So, the background is that next week, as loveSicily, we will be showcasing our sicilian holidays in a small event in London onWednesday. Now, what's the best way to convince someone that coming to Sicily for cooking is a great idea, beyond showing them lots of pictures and using lots of adjectives like "beautiful", "magnificent", "...ever so tasty!"? Well let them taste the food for themselves of course!

So we had Katia's parents send us over a collection that should move even the most calm and collected of gullets. Two packages as the ones shown below. They must have looked like any other of the millions that pass through the postal system...


But open them up and this is what you get!


Almond sweets, carub sweets, chocolate from Modica, sausages and cheese from Ragusa. It's only a taster - a little preview of things to come... We shall be unpacking and deconstructing the whole lot on Wednesday! And we shall be explaining each ingredient on the blog over the days to come.

Written on
November 19, 2004
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