
Does My Blog Look Good In This?

Since we started this blog (only four months ago! - internet time is quick...) we have been enjoying surfing around the online food blogging community, finding out about recipes, places and people. Three weeks ago we started the Is My Blog Burning? site as a way to provide a point of reference for the various events and helps others navigate their way around the events , from Alberto's seminal Is My Blog Burning? and on to Lenn's wine equivalent Wine Blogging Wednesday and the Domestic Goddesss's sweet equivalent Sugar High Fridays.

But clearly just starting a website was not enough for us! So we propose the Does My Blog Look Good in This? event! All the details are here . Don't worry it's not much work - unless you have too many nice pictures to choose from! Let us know your thoughts.

Ok - now I surrender Via Ritiro N.7 back to its Sicilian roots - watch out for our first review of Sicilian wines in the UK in a couple of days!

Written on
October 26, 2004
Filled under