
Sun-dried tomatoes

The 15th of August marks the height of summer in Sicily. To mark it, here is the recipe for one of the main things to prepare during the hot August month. Sun-dried tomatoes.

So, the first step is to get the best and freshest tomatoes possible. If their are not fresh they might turn mouldy while drying. Cut them in half and sprinkle with large amounts of rock salt. The salt absorbs water allowing the tomatoes to dry. Spread them out on a large enough surface that is also easy to move and place them in an appropriate position where they will receive the next ingredient, copious amount of sun.

Tomatoes drying in the sun

Now your problems begin. Whenever daring to exit the house check the sky. Ninety five percent of the time it will be bright and cloudless, which means you are free to go. Problem is to decide what to do when there is a sign of a cloud that might turn into one of those sudden summer rains. They rarely last more than 20 minutes but they will ruin the tomatoes! Accordingly take the risk and leave them out or put them back in for safety and wait for tomorrow.

Once ready they will look like wrinkly old things - perfect.

Wrinkly old things

Collect them and place them in warm water for a short time just to get rid of the salt.

Getting rid of the salt

Allow them to dry again, perhaps with another short stint in the sun. Then you could simply place them in jars with olive oil, or get a bit more creative and place some basil leaves in between two slices and then put them in olive oil. Enjoy all through winter...

With basil...

Written on
August 16, 2004
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