
Pasta cchi Vruoccoli

This recipe inaugurates what we hope will be a lasting tradition of presenting interesting Sicilian recipes - pictures should also be included but this time the food was gone in a flash ;-)

Also for those wanting to practice their Italian recipes will always be in both English and Italian

There are different versions of this recipe, but the most well-know, which for some reason Palermo has a claim on is as follows:

Start by boiling the cauliflower (which in sicilian sounds like broccoli) in water with saffron (needless to say the key as with any Italian food is that all ingredients should be fresh to get the best of the taste). Then prepare a saute of garlic and onions and anchovies, allowing the anchovies to dissolve. Once the anchovies are dissolved, add the cauliflower, raisins and pine nuts. Finally, cook the pasta (macaruni ranni - large macaroni) in the same water that the cauliflower was prepared and once ready mix with the sauce. Remember – never the sauce to the pasta but always the pasta to the sauce!


Esistono varie versioni di questa ricetta, la piú conosciuta é la seguente versione Palermitana:

Lessate i vruoccoli (cavolfiore) in abbondante acqua con dello zafferano. Preparate un sauté di aglio, cipolla e acciughe. Lasciate che le acciughe si sciolgano completamente. Potete a questo punto aggiungere i cavolfiori, l'uvetta e i pinoli e il sugo é pronto. Cuocete la pasta nell'acqua di cottura dei cavolfiore e, appena cotta, mischiatela alla salsa e spadellate con aggiunta di pecorino fresco grattuggiato.

Written on
July 29, 2004
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