
Cuccia di Santa Lucia

Today is Saint Lucia day, praton Saint of Siracusa. The celebrations started on the 30th of November and have their central moment in today's solemn mass and procession around Siracusa.

The traditional sweet for this day is "cuccia", boiled wheat usually mixed to sweet ricotta and chocolate chips. But this year, I made an orange and honey flavoured "cuccia" prepared with orange blossom honey and freshly squeezed orange juice, orange zest, ground toasted almonds and bits of "aranciata" (one of our traditional nougat of Arab origin made with orange peel and honey). The final touch, some freshly ground cinnamon sprinkled on top.
I served it tepid, but it is great even at room temperature.

Here are two videos of preivous year processions:

Written on
December 13, 2009